Working in art restoration

Understanding the differences between maintenance, conservation and restoration

Maintenance, conservation, and restoration are the various measures, actions and operations implemented to preserve any monument, respect its authenticity, and transmit it to the women and men of today and tomorrow. The Venice Charter, a fundamental treaty for the preservation…

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What types of tasks is the art restoration worker involved in?

Conservators are usually designated according to their area of specialization, for example, painting conservator, furniture or textile conservator. An archaeological conservator has the knowledge and experience required to work with an archaeologist and his or her team. All stages of…

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Studying the art restoration industry

Time transmits works of art to us while relatively degrading them. To preserve the original beauty of the work, restorers must understand, analyze, and restore it. Without bringing his/her personal touch, the artist helps a work to rise from its…

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How to become an art restorer?

To become an art restorer, you must first and foremost be passionate about the arts and their history. Indeed, your role is to bring back to life works that have been damaged or that have endured the passage of time….

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Working in the artwork restoration: job description

Presentation Status Employee/craftsman Associated professions bronzier, ceramist, heritage conservator, cabinetmaker, instrumental maker, ironworker, watchmaker, gilder, gilder-binder, gilder-restorer, furniture restorer, painting restorer, stained-glass restorer, glass restorer, glassmaker Professional sector Arts and crafts sector/culture and heritage sector Areas of interest Artistic or…

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