How do you recognize an antique pot?

Today, vases are little more than containers for flowers, they have many uses in modern culture. In history, pots have a great place for mankind, especially for their uses and designs. Antique vases are made from a variety of materials, including porcelain and glass. While some people have attempted to reproduce antique vases and pass them off as rare collectibles. An antique vase appraisal is expensive, the original works of art have specific characteristics that you can use to tell if they are indeed ancient.

How to know an antique object?

For years there has been a debate about what an antique is. Some say that an Antique is an object of considerable age that is valued for its aesthetic or historical significance. In the antique trade, the term refers to objects that are more than 100 years old. Antiques and collectibles are generally rare and sought-after objects that are often acquired for their investment value. Forgeries can be difficult to tell to the uninformed eye, the most obvious and easy way to know if your pot is a genuine antique piece is to entrust specialists such as's team with its  prospection.

A real antique vase is more precious

In general, the more history you have about the vase, the more documentation you have, the more worthwhile it is. Vase appraisal also depends on its quality, rarity, condition, and overall desirability. A genuine antique vase can be a signed piece; an ancient work that once belonged to a famous person or was made in limited quantities. Marks can be inked, painted, or engraved in the bottom.

A genuine antique vase is rare

Objects that have never been mass-produced, original works of art and pieces that have stood the test of time are generally considered rare. Many manufacturers have used different brands over the years. Some antique vases, such as carnival glass vases, were covered with metallic paint, making them heavier and thicker than ordinary glass vases. Not all of today's rarest antiquities are legendary, but the less common ones are often rare, old, and well-preserved objects. Such as vases that have smoother and shinier edges than the rest of the vase. The signature of the artist who made it can demonstrate that the object is an antique piece.

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